Back to School Memoir Anthology
Fall 2013
In honor of the upcoming school
year, Karenzo Media has decided to ask our readers to share their school
memoirs with us. We will compile all entries into a What’s
Your Story anthology, and everyone who is
included in the anthology will receive a free copy (ebook).
Please keep entries to under 1000
You may submit your memoir as
creative nonfiction or poetry.
memory from school (elementary to high school) that has particular meaning for
you – an embarrassing moment, a turning point, a good or bad teacher, etc.
READ: All entries will be used solely for the anthology and
none of your work or your name will be used for any purpose other than to be
published in the anthology. You retain all rights to the work. By submitting an
entry you give us permission to reprint your work and your name only in the What's
Your Story? anthology. We reserve the right to choose to
not publish stories that we find offensive, unedited, or otherwise not
ready for publication.
Memoir is so often rife with
emotional language and content, and we want it to be. We must be able to write from the gut
the truth of our lives. Please understand that "offensive" means
overtly pornographic or radically violent pieces. We
DO expect work submitted in this genre to be truthful, and that
may involve - will most likely involve - highly charged emotional and
controversial issues, as well as the use of curse words, etc. This is welcomed
and encouraged!
Deadline: August 1, 2013
Please email entries to
Everyone is welcome to
enter their story! Only 500-1000 words....deadline is August 1st.