The American Society for Genealogy and Family History Requires no membership fees, just access to great information, publications and support!
National Genealogical Society Offers membership, news & events, library, education (online course) and a bookstore.
Cyndís Complete List of Societies and Groups Index An incredibly large list of associations and groups in alphabetical order. Search your state for organizations in your area!
Federation of East European Family History Societies Find information on your central and east European ancestors. Go through the WebPortal and search for specific surnames. Get news on lectures and current projects the society is conducting.
Federation of Genealogical Societies How to become a member, conferences currently offered, offers a magazine and current publications, gain access to FGSís extensive knowledge in records preservation and access.
Titanic Historical Society Have an ancestor who was on the Titanic?? Join the society and receive The Titanic Commutator, a quarterly journal. Browse the Titanic Museum and see actual artifacts brought up from the Titanic.
Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society Membership includes a journal, newsletters and information on upcoming conferences regarding your African-American roots.
American Association for State and Local History Includes membership information, continuing education workshops, History News magazine, resource information, video lending library, online workshops and annual meeting information.
America's First Families Check out their surname registry to see if your family belonged to one of those first brave people to immigrate to America! If your family was one of these first families you may be able to join the society!
Association of Personal Historians Join the association for more information on recording your life history. Site includes a listserv option so that you can correspond via e-mail with other personal historians.