Source Location: Key West Library
700 Fleming St.
Key West, Florida 33040
Compiled by: Karen Hamilton Rager
June 25, 1994
29 JUNE 1899
"The notorious outlaw and negro desparado, Richard Hamilton, after 16 or 17 years of scouting, has at last been captured by Deputy Sheriff Edgar J. Watson, of Monroe county, the capture being made at Cape Sable on the --- day of June. Hamilton is a notorious tough, and has sworn dozens of times that no man living could arrest him. Hamilton some time ago got into a fracas with Frank Hamilton, a white man, and a Mr. Weeks, and cut them both severely, and because an old woman interceded for the two men, Hamiltn knocked her down with a stick and cursed her shamefully and threatened to cut her throat. When Watson arrested him he was on his boat. The deputy sheriff told him he wanted him and had a warrant for him. Hamilton made a dive for his gun in the cabin, but Watson shoved a 45 Colts in his countenance and ordered him to hands up, which order he promptly obeyed. The noted gentleman is now boarding at the Island City Hotel, at the same time looking through the bars. It is the opinion of every one that Hamilton will go to the phosohate mines for his health. Sheriff Knight has certainly made a good and wise selection when he appointed Mr. Watson his deputy.'
(The man Weeks mentioned is probably John Weeks, Richard's father in law. It is not certain if Frank Hamilton is related, I don't think so. The old woman is impossible to know, possibly Richard's mother, Peggy?)