Family Tree Maker This site not only offers you the software but searchable databases, message boards, and articles on getting started in your search.
The Master Genealogist The complete family tree project manager. Download a demo copy to see if you like it!
 This is the software that I personally use. I have tried many others but this one is easy to use and provides you with many different reports that you can print out. It even prepares the information that you enter into a story that you can print!
Genealogical Cemetery Database A complete program for indexing cemeteries in individual counties or states.
Census Records on CDs Census records are the number one tool for researching your ancestors! Find out their address, spouse, children, date of birth, place of birth, whether they could read or write, how much land they owned, etc. Searching databases for census records takes time, with this software you have the information right on hand to peruse at your leisure!
Family Marriage Research Use this software to record and organize the marriage records of individual counties or states.
Forms & Charts Software 420 genealogical charts and forms that you can print out. A handy piece of software to have around - you can print out blank charts and forms to carry with you on your research forays!
MyStory Software This software offers prompts for you to get your own life story written! A very good program, I have it!