We all think that we are not famous enough to write our memoirs but this is a misconception! Each and every person who has ever lived has a zillion stories inside of them just screaming to be told!

Even if the only person who ever reads your stories is you - you will be leaving behind a valuable legacy for your descendants!

What would you do if you came upon a manuscript written by your great grandmother in the late 1800's?? Wouldn't you be thrilled beyond words to hear what life was like then? Wouldn't you be excited to find that people then loved, lost, and lived much as you do today?? How did they handle it? How did everyday life make them feel??



Why should YOU write your memoirs? "People today are rootless and aching for connections to the past", says Lettice Stuart, a Texas personal historian who records the memoirs of everyday people.

The process of documenting your life often brings family members together. And, as their life tale unfolds they will find themselves gaining new insights into events that took place, perhaps even bringing about healing to the past.

In addition, it is the act of writing, not the words themselves that produce a healing in the writer. Therefore, one need not be a scholar or novelist to reap the benefits of lifewriting.







If you are interested in hearing more about setting up a workshop in your community, I would be happy to visit with you and discuss it further.


It is easier to begin than you think! Start with one story at a 

  •  Check out The Association of Personal Historians for a memorist near you. www.personalhistorians.org

  •  Make a schedule to write at least one page every day and stick to it!


  •  Remember to include your feelings about the event! Many men forget to do this!


  •  If you only write one page per day, you will have 365 pages in one year!


  •  Use vivid detail and, for now, ignore spelling and grammar.


  •  If you worry about getting every sentence perfect, you will never finish your writing! You can check facts later.


  •  Don’t worry if you forgot someone’s name or a particular date - just get the story written!!! You can go back later!


 If you don’t feel up to the task of writing your own memoirs, you can hire a professional to do it for you. A personal historian will come to your home and interview you on several occasions, using a tape recorder. They have specific questions to spark your memory. Then he/she will prepare the written manuscript for you, using your own words!



Personal historians, also called memorists, charge anywhere from $100 to $20,000, depending on how extensive your memoirs are. Whichever way you decide to go, be sure to get started right away!